Sunday, May 31, 2015

Action required

This is from Dr. Davis at TCH.....

SB66 allowing for epinephrine auto-injectors in Texas public schools is now on Gov. Abbott's desk for signature.  Would you please email and call Gov. Abbott's office ASAP?  
The telephone number to call is 512-463-1782 and also email his office.  Both are preferred. 
To email his office go to
- click contact
- select - I am registering my opinion (No response required)
- click select
- fill in the contact boxes
- in the issue box - choose Education – Public
- in the comment box please put something asking him to sign SB66 (Sen. Hinojosa and Rep. Crownover) which allows for epinephrine auto-injectors in Texas public schools.
- click send
Thank you,
Carla M. Davis, MD

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Looking Back!

Image result for free happy 1 year anniversary images

May was a very busy month for HFAN! As we wrap up "Food Allergy Awareness Month", Houston Food Allergy Network also celebrates a 1 year anniversary! We want to thank everyone that has contributed, read, glanced, liked, and shared HFAN's Blog and Facebook page. For those of you who haven't had a chance to read about how HFAN came into existence, here is a link to our very first post "Welcome All".

How did you bring awareness to "Food Allergies" this month?
We were ecstatic when we found out that FARE had themed "Food Allergy Month" as "Action Hero Month". The theme was fun, and most importantly very empowering for our kiddos. As Nut Eggactly mom shared in her post "Thank You", our "Food Allergy Awareness" week was Action Hero Packed with goodies, crafts and kind deeds. We kicked off the week with bringing community awareness. Our kiddos and a few parents passed out some "Allergen Free & Nut Free" snacks during the morning drop off. "You can S.A.V.E the Day" posters from the FARE website were posted throughout the school campus. We brought awareness to the classroom by sharing the BugaBees with the pre-school students. For the elementary and middle school grades we invited a guest speaker from Texas Children's Hospital Department of Immunology, Allergy and Rheumatology who gave a presentation on food allergy facts and shared an excellent kid friendly video, Kids Living with Food Allergies. We even managed to squeeze in a school wide fundraising event and raised over $300 for FARE. 

Overall it was a great week! I hope that our efforts will continue to have an impact in our community and make our school safer for our kiddos and for those families who will come behind us.

As we wrap up "Food Allergy Awareness Month" I would like to close with a
Thank you to:
the dad that shared with my son how yummy the "allergy free" treats were...
the mom who suggested a "peanut allergy friendly" restaurant as a gathering place...
the teacher who suggested that we use the same cupcake wrapper as the rest of the students so our kids wouldn't feel left out...
the dad that admitted that he thought "dairy allergy" was the same as "lactose intolerant" and took the time to understand what it actually meant...
the mom who gave me the coolest insulated bag for mothers day, it has made it so much easier to transport food wherever we go...
the student who told his parents that he didn't want to pack food that could make his friend sick...

I take comfort in knowing that some impact is better than no impact at all.

We hope that you can join us at our next meeting! 

Dairy Allergy Mom


Friday, May 8, 2015

Thank You!

Skeeter Nut Free products can now be found at Central Market on Westheimer Road

Many thanks to Skeeter Nut Free and Enjoy Life for supplying samples for Food Allergy Awareness Week!  Your samples will be used to fill 60 food allergy awareness bags and remaining samples will passed out to parents during morning drop-off.  Dairy Allergy Mom and myself are grateful for your generosity.  Because of you, our efforts to raise awareness are made easier and sweeter!  Thank you.

Food allergy awareness bags: "I'm Fighting Food Allergies"

Products in the awareness bags

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Take Action!

In celebration of Food Allergy Awareness Month, below is an opportunity to take action.  

The Epinephrine Bill, HB 2847 (Rep. Crownover) is now before the Texas House and will be up for a vote this Friday, May 8.
Please contact your Texas House Representative IMMEDIATELY to urge passage of HB 2847 on Friday.  Please contact your representative by both phone and email, if possible.  Please cite both the number (HB2847) and the author (Rep. Crownover) of the bill.
You can find the contact info for your Texas House Representative at this link:
Thank you in advance for your help in passing this important legislation.